News & Event Highlights
- তিন শতাংশের বাজেট, সীমন্তিনী মুখোপাধ্যায়, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২৫
- বনায়নের নামে জঙ্গল সাফ, বিধান কান্তি দাস, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ২০ জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫
- Socio-economic Disparities in the Utilization of Improved Sanitation Facilities among Indian Households by Pradeep Kumar, Nihal Hasan and Rahul Rajak, Scientific Reports
- Amiya Kumar Bagchi: A People-Centric Intellectual Journey by Achin Chakraborty, The India Forum, 16 December 2024
- জনসংখ্যা ও ভারতের লোকসভা আসনঃ একটি আলোচনা, শাশ্বত ঘোষ, আরেক রকম, দ্বাদশ বর্ষ ত্রয়োবিংশ সংখ্যা, ১-১৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৪, ১৬-৩০ অগ্রহায়ণ, ১৪৩১
- কম জনসংখ্যার বিপদ,শাশ্বত ঘোষ, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ৬ নভেম্বর ২০২৪
- Prevalence of Depression and Associated Factors Among Adolescents in Uttar Pradesh, India: Insights from UDAYA Wave-1 by Saswata Ghosh, Dipmalya Karmakar, Susanta Sen, Amit Banerjee, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies : An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care, 21 Oct 2024
- Knowledge, Power and Ignorance: The Indian Context by Bidhan Kanti Das, G Chakraborty and A Guha (Eds), Routledge, New York, 2024.
- Beyond the ‘Protected area’ Paradigm in Conservation: Exploring India’s Forest Legislation as a New Conservation Model for Developing Countries by Bidhan Kanti Das, Environmental Management, 2024.
- Linkages Between Consanguinity, Pregnancy Outcomes and Offspring Mortality in Twenty-first Century India by Mir Azad Kalam, Santosh Kumar Sharma, Saswata Ghosh & Subho Roy, Scientific Reports, Volume 14, Article number: 22522 (2024).
- Fewer Kids, Better Parenting: Why Rural Bengal Couples are Rethinking Family Size (Based on Kakoli Das and Saswata Ghosh’s research) by Arkamoy Datta Majumdar & edited by Ashish Mukherjee, India Today, September 29,2024.
- নিচু জাত বা শ্রেণির মেয়েদের ‘মি-টু’ নেই, মুখ খুললেই বিপদ, সীমন্তিনী মুখোপাধ্যায়, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪
- Financial constraints and export behaviour: An analysis of Indian manufacturing firms by Tanveer Ahmad Khan, & Indrani Chakraborty. In Ghosh, S., & Ray, P. (Eds.) Perspectives on Economics and Management: Essays in Honour of Anindya Sen (pp. 165-190). Routledge India, 2024.
- ফাঁসির দাবিতে প্রায় সবাই একমত, কিন্তু তা ন্যায্য কি? অচিন চক্রবর্তী, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ০৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪.
- Alternative History Books for Children in Bengali: A Reflection on Writing and Reception by Anwesha Sengupta & Debarati Bagchi, In Katharina Poltze, & Birte Schröder (Ed.), Putting knowledge(s) into perspective? Wissen, Reflexivität und (Multi-)Perspektivität in Bildungsmedien (pp. 225-246). 2024.
- Violence in Bangladesh will decrease if the division between us and them reduced by Anwesha Sengupta, Hindustan Times (Bangla), August 14, 2024.
- ‘Poor Economics for Kids’: Nobel laureate Esther Duflo’s book for children imagines a fair world. by Anwesha Sengupta, August 18, 2024.
- Market Concentration, Promoter Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from Indian Corporate Firms (2024) by Ujjayini Roy and Indrani Chakraborty, Indian Economic Review,
- Categorizing Disability: Perspectives from West Bengal, India by Nandini Ghosh and Suchandra Bhaduri in Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Vol. 19 Issues 3 & 4 (2024)
- গণতন্ত্রের অন্তিম গন্তব্য, অচিন চক্রবর্তী, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০২৪
- Book Review of Indian Economy – Issues, Policies and Performance by Rajib Bhattacharyya and Ananya Ghosh Dastidar, Routledge India, 2024, by Achin Chakraborty published in Indian Economic Review, 2024.
- Book Review of Environmental Economics in Developing Countries : Issues and Challenges by Achirangsu Acharyya , Routledge, 2023 by Achin Chakraborty published in Economic and Political Weekly, July 13, 2024.
- Maternal and Child Health in India: Networks and Information Diffusion by Mousumi Dutta, Saswata Ghosh and Zakir Husain, 2024, Routledge.
- The Adequacy of Health System Measures in Reducing Vulnerability to COVID 19 Among the Health Care Provided Working in Primary Health Care in Rajasthan, India: A Cross-sectional Study by Arup Kumar Das, Saswata Ghosh & Ambey Kumar Srivastava (2024), Journal of Health Management,
- উন্নতির জন্য উদ্ভাবন, ইন্দ্রাণী চক্রবর্তী, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা., ৬ মার্চ, ২০২৪
- Using Alienation to Understand the Link Between Work and Capabilities by Simantini Mukhopadhyay (2024), Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2023.2300626
- Urban Markets and Disability Access: A Case Study of Kolkata by Nandini Ghosh (2023), The Eastern Anthropologist, 76: 4
- Unequal Inequalities in India: Income and Non-income Dimensions by Achin Chakraborty, in Ajitava Raychaudhuri and Arpita Ghosh (eds) Managing Pandemic and Correcting Development Fundamentals, Springer, 2023
- Pandemic, Persons with Disabilities and Resurgent Networks by Nandini Ghosh in Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter 2023
- Book Review of Disability Studies in India: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Nilika Mehrotra by NANDINI GHOSH and RIMJHIM BHATTACHERJEE published in Indian Anthropologist, January – December 2022, Vol. 52, No. 1/2 (January – December 2022), pp. 161-164
- Health and Curative Health Care in Bihar: A Comparative Study by Subrata Mukherjee and Ashmita Gupta (2023) in Sankar Kumar Bhaumik (ed.) Development with Justice: The Bihar Experience, Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group). Full Text:
- Barriers in Utilization and Provisioning of Obstetric Care Services (OCS) in India: A Mixed-methods Systematic Review by Sushmita Singh & Rahul Rajak, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth,
- Responsibility, Social Aspirations, and Contemporary Low Fertility: A Case Study of Rural West Bengal, India by Kakoli Das, Saswata Ghosh & Mary K. Shenk (2023),
- Indian Business Groups and Other Corporations: Comparative Organisational Perspectives on Indian Corporate Firms by Achin Chakraborty & Indrani Chakraborty 2023, Springer,
- Uncovering Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between Competition, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance Using Quantile Regression on Indian Data by Indrani Chakraborty (2023), Asia and the Global Economy, 3(2), DOI:
- Family Involvement, Innovation and Product Market Competition by Sukhdeep Singh and Indrani Chakraborty (2023) Economics of Transition and Institutional Change,
- সপ্তদশ এবং অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দীতে ভারতের সূতীবস্ত্রের বিশ্বায়ন এবং ব্রিটিশ প্রতিক্রিয়া, অমিয় কুমার বাগচী, আরেক রকম, একাদশ বর্ষ দ্বাদশ সংখ্যা, ১৬-৩০ জুন, ২০২৩
- Tata Group and Business Response to Disability (1951-1992) Medical Interventions, Rehabilitation and Livelihood by Nandini Ghosh and Sanjukta Choudhury Kaul (Management Department, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta), June 2023, Journal of Management History
- What Factors are Driving R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry in India? A Study of the Post-Liberalization Period by Indrani Chakraborty and Aruna Pain (2023), Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s40953-023-00353-y
- Market Concentration, Agency Cost and Firm Performance A Case Study on Indian Corporate Firms by Indrani Chakraborty and Ujjayini Roy(2023) Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer
- Special Lecture by Professor Subrata Sarkar, IGIDR on ‘Machine Learning and BIG Data for Economists’, 23 June 2023
- The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Performance of Firms: A pre- and post-TRIPS Analysis of India’s Pharmaceutical Industry by Indrani Chakraborty & Paul Kattuman (2023): Asia and the Global Economy, Elsevier,3(2),1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.aglobe.2023.100059
- Changes in Mental Health Status during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study of Residents of Indian Metropolitan Cities by Z. Husain, Saswata Ghosh and M. Dutta(2023), Journal of Mental Health, published online 9 March 2023.
- Exploring What Drives Indian Stock Market During Covid-19: Fads or Fundamentals (Springer) by Indrani Chakraborty (2023).
- Effects of Diversification on Firm Performance: An Analysis of Indian Firms by Zinnia Mitra Bose & Indrani Chakraborty(2022), Indian Economic Review, 1-43.
- Cash Transfers Versus Food Subsidies During COVID-19: Dietary Practices of Rural Women in Bihar, India by Saswata Ghosh, Zakir Husain, & Mousumi Dutta (2022), Development in Practice, 1-15.
- ক্ষুধা সূচকে ভারতের অবস্থান নয়, উদ্বেগের কারণ অন্যত্র, অচিন চক্রবর্তী, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, ৮ অক্টোবর, ২০২২
- Does Public Intervention in Dealing with Problems of Mosquitoes/flies in India Crowd out Private Initiatives? by Md Zakaria Siddiqui, Subrata Mukherjee and Ronald Donato (2022): Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2022.2115967
- Mapping the Multidimensionality of Medical Care Related Catastrophe on Households: A Study of Four Blocks in Birbhum District, West Bengal by Priyanka Dagupta, and Subrata Mukherjee, Anvesak, 51 (2): 18-37, 2021.
- Bengali Migrant Workers in South India: A Mixed‑Method Inquiry into Their Earnings, Livings, and Struggle During Covid Pandemic by M Chakraborty, S. Mukherjee and P. Dasgupta, The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,,2022
- Gender Differentials in Living Arrangement and Well-being of Older Adults in West Bengal by Subrata Mukherjee & Abishek Paul, in S.I. Rajan (Eds.) Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy,Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., 2022
- Dynamic Interactions Between Structure and Performance in the Textile and Clothing Industry in India: An Econometric Approach by Indrani Chakraborty & Tanveer Ahmad Khan, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer,, 2022.
- Explaining Cross-region Disparities in Childhood Stunting in India by Saswata Ghosh, S.K. Sharma, and D. Roy Choudhury in Bagli, S., G. Chakrabarti,and P. Guha (eds.) Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development, India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer Nature: Singapore., 2022.
- The Railway Refugees of Bengal Partition: Revisiting Sealdah Station of 1950s – 60s by Anwesha Sengupta, South Asia Research, 42:1, 2022
- [in Bengali] Deshbhag: Karan, Prakria, Abhigyota [Partition: Reason, Process, Experiences] by Anwesha Sengupta in Pratyay Nath and Kaustubh M. Sengupta (Eds), Itihasher Bitorko, Bitorker Itihash: Ateeter Bharat o Ajker Gobeshona [Debates of History, History of Debates: India’s Past and Present Research], Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, 2022.
- (Newspaper article) Calcutta’s Muslims after Partition by Anwesha Sengupta Daily Star, February 14, 2022,
- Is Consanguineous Marriage Related to Intimate Partner Violence in India? Evidence from the National Family Health Survey, 2015-16 by Saswata Ghosh, M. Rahaman, S.Sen and J. Rana, Journal of Biosocial Science, published online, 2nd December, 2021.
- Recognising Local Communities’ Rights in Forest Policy to Meet Climate Targets by Bidhan Kanti Das, Monthly Bulletin, Special Issue on COP 26, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, December 2021.
- Impact of Covid-19 on the Stock Market and Corporate Firms in India by Indrani Chakraborty, Economic and Political Weekly, 56(47), November 20, 2021.
- Did the National Lockdown Lock COVID-19 Down in India, and Reduce Pressure on Health Infrastructure? by Saswata Ghosh, Z. Husain & A.K. Das, Economic and Political Weekly, LVI (39): 36-42, 2021
- Growth of the Firms and Investments in Innovations: An Empirical Investigation of the Indian Manufacturing Industry by Indrani Chakraborty & Sukhdeep Singh, 19, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Springer, 2021.
- Devolving Rights to Forest Dwellers: Politics of Institutional Choice and Recognition in the Forest Rights Act Implementation Process in West Bengal, India by Bidhan Kanti Das, in D. Rajasekhar (Eds.) Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India, Routledge Publications, 2021.
- Resisting Forestry Sector Reform: Institutional Work During India’s Forest Rights Act Implementation Process by Bidhan Kanti Das, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,, 2021.