Books Monographs

Accumulation and Dispossession: Communal Land in North-east India eds. Asok Kumar Ray, Bhupen Sarmah & Gorky Chakraborty, Routledge, 2024

Indigeneity, Development and Sustainability : Perspectives from Northeast India eds. Anjan Chakrabarti, Gorky Chakraborty & Anup Sekhar Chakraborty, Springer, 2024

Knowledge, Power and Ignorance: The Indian Context eds. Bidhan Kanti Das, Gorky Chakrabory and Abhijit Guha, Routledge, 2024

Northern India in the Late Nineteenth Century: Quality of Life, Volume I, Part –II (A,B,C): 1880s-1890s eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, 2024

Indian Business Groups and other Corporations: Comparative Organisational Perspectives on Indian Corporate Firms eds. Achin Chakraborty & Indrani Chakraborty, Springer, 2023.

The Violent Domestic: Law, Its Practice, and Strategies of Survival by Nandini Ghosh, Supurna Banerjee, Madhurima Mukhopadhyay and Ruchira Goswami Zubaan Books, March 2023.

Citizenship in Contemporary Times: The Indian Context, ed. Gorky Chakraborty, Routledge, 2023.

Negotiating Borders and Borderlands: The Indian Experience, eds. Gorky Chakraborty and Supurna Banerjee, Orient Blackswan, 2023.

Exploring What Drives Indian Stock Market During Covid-19: Fads or Fundamentals by Indrani Chakraborty, Springer, 2023.

The Red and Gold Pen, eds. Supurna Banerjee, Anchita Ghatak, and Lauren Wilks, University of Edinburgh, 2021.

Population Dynamics in Eastern India and Bangladesh: Demography, Health and Developmental Issues, eds. Aparajita Chattopadhyay and Saswata Ghosh, Springer Nature: Singapore, 2020..ISBN:978-981-15-3044-9; ISBN 978-981-15-3045-6 eBook)

Northern India in the Late Nineteenth Century: Quality of Life, Volume I, Part –IA: 1860s-1870s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, January 2020

Northern India in the Late Nineteenth Century: Quality of Life, Volume I, Part –IB: 1860s-1870s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, January 2020

Northern India in the Late Nineteenth Century: Quality of Life, Volume I, Part –IC: 1860s-1870s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, January 2020

Capital in the East: Reflections on Marx eds. Achin Chakraborty, Anjan Chakrabarti, Byasdeb Dasgupta and Samita Sen, 2019

Changing Contexts and Shifting Roles of the Indian State: New Perspectives on Development Dynamics eds. Achin Chakraborty and Anthony P. D’Costa, Springer, 2019

Limits of Bargaining: Capital, Labour and the State in Contemporary India by Achin Chakraborty, Subhanil Chowdhury, Supurna Banerjee and Zaad Mahmood, Cambridge University Press, 2019

Caste and Gender in Contemporary India: Power, Privilege and Politics ,eds. Supurna Banerjee and Nandini Ghosh, New Delhi and South Asia:Routledge, 2019

The Land Question in India: State, Disposition and Capitalist Transition, eds. Achin Chakraborty and Anthony P. D’Costa, OUP, 2017.

Southern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Vol.I, Part IIA: 1880s-1890s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, 2017.

Southern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Vol.I, Part IIB: 1880s-1890s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, 2017.

Rethinking Tribe in Indian Context: Realities, Issues & Challenges, eds. Bidhan Kanti Das and Rajat Kanti Das, Rawat Publishers, 2017.

Impaired Bodies, Gendered Lives: Everyday Realities of Disabled Women, ed. Nandini Ghosh, Primus Publishers, 2016.

Interrogating Disability in India: Theory and Practice, ed. Nandini Ghosh, Springer, 2016.

Pratyaha : Everyday Lifeworld: Dilemmas, Contestations and Negotiations, eds. Prasanta Ray and Nandini Ghosh, Primus Books, 2015.

Southern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Vol. 1, Part IA: 1860s-1870s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, 2015.

Southern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Vol. 2, Part IB: 1880s-1890s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay, New Delhi: Manohar, 2015.

Biodiversity Conservation in India: Management Practices, Livelihood Concerns and Future Options, eds. Bidhan Kanti Das and Ajit Banerjee, Concept Publishing, 2014.

Marxism: With and Beyond Marx, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Amita Chatterjee, Routledge, 2014.

Market Regulations and Finance: Global Meltdown and the Indian Economy, eds. Indrani Chakraborty and Ratan Khasnabis, Springer, 2014.

The Look East Policy and Northeast India eds. Gorky Chakraborty and Asok Kumar Ray, Aakar Books, 2014.

Indian Skilled Migration and Development, eds. Uttam Bhattacharya, Gabriela Tejada, Binod Khadria and Christiane Kuptsch, Springer, 2014

Transformation and Development: The Political Economy of Transition in India and China, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Anthony P.D’Costa, Oxford University Press, 2012., 2012.

The Politics of the (Im)Possible ,ed.Barnita Bagchi, Sage, 2012. The book came out of a collaboration between IDSK and Maison des Sciences l’ Homme under the Indo-French Cultural Exchange Programme. The link to the book is:

Universally Loved: Reception of Tagore in North-east India, ed. Indranath Choudhuri, Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Development Studies and Progressive Publishers, 2012.

Market, Media and Democracy, compiled by Buroshiva Dasgupta, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, 2011

Four Essays on Writing Economic History of Colonial India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata and Progressive Publishers, 2011

Rabindranath: Bakpati Biswamana, Volume 2, ed. Sudhir Chakravarti, Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Development Studies, July 2011.

Rabindranath: Bakpati Biswamana, Volume 1, ed. Sudhir Chakravarti, Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Development Studies, May 2011.

Eastern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Part II: 1880s-1890s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay,New Delhi, Manohar and Indian Council of Historical Research, 2011.

Colonialism and Indian Economy by Amiya Kumar Bagchi, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Eastern India in the Late Nineteenth Century, Part I: 1860s-1870s, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Arun Bandopadhyay,New Delhi, Manohar and Indian Council of Historical Research, 2009.

Indian Railway Acts and Rules 1849-1895: Railway Construction in India : Selected Documents (1832-1900), ed. Bhubanes Misra (General Editor: Amiya Kumar Bagchi) Vol. IV, New Delhi, Indian Council of Historical Research, 2009.

Labour, Globalization and the State: Workers, Women and Migrants Confront Neoliberalism, eds. Michael Goldfield and Debdas Banerjee, London and New York, Routledge, 2008.

Capture and Exclude: Developing Economies and the Poor in Global Finance, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Gary Dymski, New Delhi, Tulika, 2007.

The Evolution of State Bank of India,Vol.I: The Roots 1806-1876 by Amiya Kumar Bagchi (The Penguin Portfolio Edition, Penguin Books), 2006.

Perilous Passage: Mankind and the Global Ascendancy of Capital by Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Maryland,USA, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006.

Globalisation, Industrial Restructuring and Labour Standards: Where India Meets the Global by Debdas Banerjee, Sage, 2005.

Translation with an Introduction of Rokeya S. Hossain: Sultana’s Dream and Padmarag by Barnita Bagchi, Penguin Modern Classics, 2005.

Maladies, Preventives and Curatives: Debates in Public Health in India, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Krishna Soman, New Delhi, Tulika, 2005.

Webs of History: Information, Communication and Technology from Early to Post-colonial India, eds. Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Dipankar Sinha and Barnita Bagchi, New Delhi, Manohar, 2004.